Murderous Meatballs!!!

Murderous Meatballs!!!

So it was time to… HOST A MURDER!!! With my lovely friends from my days when I worked at a French Patisserie. Now this is kind of a tradition. It’s an all female affair (which is why I’m dressed up as a male 1940s gangsta) and we each are in charge of a course. Being … Continue reading

RECIPE #2 Pregnant Jools’s Pasta

RECIPE #2 Pregnant Jools’s Pasta

Recipe: Pregnant Jools’s Pasta with Crunchy Chicory & Watercress Salad and Little Frangipane Tarts Time: 1 hour 10 minutes! I’m improving!!! That’s 4 minutes off my last timing!!! (This includes 21 minutes of “prep time” which is not really included in Jamie’s 30 minutes… at least I hope not!) Difficulty: Again took me way longer … Continue reading

Red Dragonfruit

Red Dragonfruit

You really can learn something new everyday and when I saw this odd looking fruit at a fruit market on the Gold Coast I, being the bento-box/taste-tester/experience junkie that I am, had to try it… This is a Red Dragon Fruit or “Pitaya”. It is very exotic looking on the outside which leads you to … Continue reading